About Me

Live. Craft. Repeat.

I am so happy to be part of the crafting community. I follow card makers, knitters, quilters, mixed media artists and crafters of all kinds. Sharing creations world wide is an amazing perk to our extremely kind and talented craft community. Enjoy reading my two cents on all things crafty.

You can find more projects I make on Instagram.

My Passions

Dogs. Coffee. Card Making. Cycling. Usually in that order.

Canine Craft Buddies Welcome

Canine Paper Crafting

My original crafty companion passed away. He loved to do his own version of paper crafting, skilled with canine paper distressing techniques, and he was a patient and willing model of my hand knit items. I miss him very much.

dog luxury scarf fb pic

His canine sister misses him, too. She’s still too young yet to understand how to play with the paper scrap bin, but I’m hopeful she’ll get there one day.